Friday, October 31, 2014

Understanding Shutter Speeds

High Shutter Speed

Low Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the amount of time the shutter is open.  A larger shutter speed means that the shutter is open for a longer period of time, therefore letting more light in.  You should use a larger shutter speed if you are in a setting with less light.  A smaller shutter speed means the shutter is open for a shorter amount of time, therefore less light is let in, it should be used in an area with a lot of light.  If you have a larger shutter speed, you will also have a larger aperture.

Understanding ISO

Lowest ISO

Highest ISO

ISO is International Standards Organization way of measuring Sensitivity to Light.  A larger ISO makes the picture brighter, and a lower ISO makes the picture look dark.  If you have a larger ISO then you should have a faster shutter speed and higher aperture.  When you have a lower ISO then you should have a slower shutter speed and lower aperture.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Understanding Aperture

Small Depth of Field

Large Depth of Field

Aperture is the size of the opening of the lens when a picture is taken.  If the picture is being taken in a darker setting, there should be a bigger aperture to let more light in.  If the picture is taken in a place with a lot of light, the aperture should be smaller so the opening in the lens is smaller to let less light in.  The larger the aperture, the smaller the opening in the lens of the camera.  However, if the light is the same in two pictures, but the aperture is changed, the picture will change as well.  If there is a small aperture, then the picture's background will be blurry, and if you have a large aperture, the background will be clear.  The Aperture affects the shutter speed, the lower the aperture the faster the shutter speed.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Photographic Themes

I liked the shooting assignment, but I found it really challenging.  I also would like to try having a specific assignment in which the teacher tells us what we should take a picture of, and we can see everyone's different interpretations of the word.  However, I really liked the idea of all the pictures coming together to make an abstract self-portrait.  I much prefer the compilation of the pictures, versus the pictures alone.  One of my favorite photos is of the piano.  It represents sound because all of my siblings play the piano, and for as long as I can remember, I have heard the piano everyday, usually multiple times.  I'm really fond of that memory, and the picture captures the piano like I remember it.

Monday, October 6, 2014

About Me

Portrait Session with Madi

Lost Girl

Madison Makenzie Reisman
(just call her Madi)

Where you might find her:
Simply not at her house, Arooga’s with her friends, or maybe Philidelphia, where she hopes to work in the future

What to do if you find her:
No pictures please! She hates paparazzi, and even though she is pretty, please restrain yourself.  Stress might lead her to bite her nails.

Things not to say to her:
Anything about study habits, or her choice of communication with her mom, or falling off large heights

Her Interests:
Talking to her friends, playing on her phone, and watching Netflix

If found please take care of her, she’s yours now.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Themed Shooting Assignment

1.     Anger       
Eva (my exchange student) had to go camping, and I have never seen someone as upset or angry about having to go somewhere.  She liked it afterwards though.

2.     Power

3.     Ugly

4.     Calm
Running is a big part of my life, and after a run I feel so much calmer and more relaxed.

5.     Compassion

6.     Authority

7.     Pride
I take a lot of pride in my school work, and it is what I am most proud of.

8.     Mysterious
This is a tree house, that reminds me of a magical house hidden in the woods, full of secrets and wonder.

9.     Wisdom
This clock reminds me of Owl from Winnie the Pooh, and Owl was always really smart, so I associate this clock with wisdom.

10.  Love
I think that bread symbolizes love, because it is one of the most basic foods that mothers all around the world give to their children.

11.  Lazy
I have never been good at cooking because I am too lazy to carefully read all of the instructions.  As a result, I once burned pea soup.

12.  Temptation
I love Nutella, and its really hard for me not to eat the entire container in one sitting.

13.  Happiness
I don't know why, but whenever I look at this tree from my porch, it reminds me of dreams and flying.  It's not very pretty, but I like to imagine a platform right in the branches.

14.  Growth

15.  Memories
This is the clubhouse my dad built for us when we were little kids.

16.  Sounds
All of my life, my older sister practiced the piano everyday.  It is now one of the most familiar sounds in my life.

17.  Diversity
This  is my exchange student, Eva.  She is from China, and she is constantly teaching us about Chinese language culture.

18.  Dangerous
When I was really little, I accidentally grabbed a rose, because it was so pretty.  I did not know that it had thorns, and hurt my hand.

19.  Hope
Whenever I am worried, I like to think while swinging.  It helps me think of a way to solve my problem, and renew my hope.

20.  Truth
I think the clear glass represents truth because you can always see what is inside it.

21.  Patriotic
Fields have always reminded me of patriotic, because of the song "O Beautiful". 

22.  Sad

23.  Terrifying
This is a mud wasp nest, and I am most afraid of bees.

24.  Abandoned
This is an abandoned shed, and we once found kittens abandoned in a cardboard box.

25.  Courage