Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Motion Planning

I really like the idea of taking a picture of one of my family members riding a bike, because my family often enjoys riding bikes together.  We are usually pretty active, and I consider myself athletic, even though health problems kept me from participating in sports this year.  I think I will try the rule of thirds or a worm's eye view.  I am thinking of a shutter speed of .8 seconds with an ISO of 100 because the shot will be taken outside.  The aperture will probably end up being pretty high.

I want to take a picture of my little sister or a friend running track because that used to be a large part of my life, and I still love to run.  I will probably try to get a shutter speed of 1 second, and an 100 ISO because I will be outside.  As a result I am guessing that my aperture will be close to its maximum value.  Unfortunately, I think my subject will end up in the middle of the photograph.

I already have a frozen motion picture of a flag using the rule of thirds.  However, if I had to do it again, or try something else.  I would take a picture of my brother doing karate.  This goes along with my (sort of ) theme of sports so I may follow through with the idea.  My shutter speed would be really fast, maybe 1/300.  As a result, my ISO will be higher, but I would still prefer my brother was outside, so I think an ISO around 800 would be good.  I will attempt to use the bird's eye view perspective.

I also already have a zoomed picture; it's flowers on a tree.  And while it looks cool, I'm beginning to really like the idea of having a unified theme (of sports).  So I was thinking of attempting of possibly zooming a sports logo, or something stationary that represents sports, like a soccer ball or football.  I want a shutter speed of 1 second.  The ISO will be fairly low, maybe 100 because I still want natural light.  I think I want all of my shots to be in natural light.  The aperture will be close to maximum.

I couldn't find a picture to really capture what I want, but I'm having a little trouble incorporating sports with light.  What I'm thinking now, is that maybe I could weave glow sticks into badminton rackets (an intense family summer sport) and then have my family play in the late evening, which is when we usually play anyway. I will need a really extended shutter speed, I'm thinking 30 seconds.  The ISO maybe around 800 or possibly 400 and I really have no clue where the aperture will be.

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